Amy Porterfield
Facebook Marketing expert, co-author of Facebook for Dummies and prolific blogger, webinar leader, podcaster and speaker.

Brian Solis
Principal analyst at Altimeter Group and author, prominent blogger, and digital analyst, anthropologist, and futurist who explores the effects of emerging technology on business, marketing, and culture. The End of Business as Usual describes the new “Generation-C”,...

Seth Godin
Former VP of Direct Marketing at Yahoo, prolific best-selling author and speaker with popular titles including Permission Marketing, Linchpin, Tribes, The Dip and Purple Cow. Coined “permission marketing” approach where “anticipated, personal, relevant” drive...

Mike Grehan
Former group publishing director at Incisive Media (ClickZ, Search Engine Watch, and ClickZ Live’s parent company) who since joining the group in 2009, expanded their focus from search to embrace all things digital marketing.

Jay Baer
Jay Baer is a master of all things digital marketing and a popular keynote speaker, venture capitalist, startup advisor, CEO of Convince and Convert and author of Youtility: Why Smart Marketing is about Help Not Hype.

Chris Brogan
Chris Brogan is President of Human Business Works and I consider him one of the earliest and best advocates of social media. His irreverent but insightful views of how we need to capitalize on our new social web options as marketeers keeps me on my toes, everyday.

Rand Fishkin
Rand Fishkin, CEO of SEOmoz, sits at the intersection of social and search engine optimization. His valuable perspective on the latest trends and technologies linking these two critical pieces of the marketing equation takes "influence" in marketing to a whole new...

Mari Smith
Mari Smith is the leading expert on all things Facebook. A published author and well-known speaker and expert on brand positioning on Facebook, you'd be missing out if you miss her tips for generating traction across the Facebook ecosystem.